1. "War is wrong": 1942-1944 -- 2. "One ought to resist the entire system": March-August 1944 -- 3. "I am a traitor": August-December 1944 -- 4. "Until every effort is made, I am less than a man": January-August 1945 -- 5. "I am needed on the outside": November 1945-June 1946 -- 6. "A small, interracial, disciplined group ... to test Jim Crow": July 1946-December 1947 -- 7. "To fight for the United States Army is to fight for bigotry": 1948-1949 -- 8. "Let us resist with our whole beings": 1950-1952 -- 9. "For me sex must be sublimated": 1953-1955 -- 10. "This is an effort to avoid war, race war": 1956-1957 -- 11. "Crisis is at hand for civil rights" and Africa, 1958-1959 -- 12. "Bayard was crushed": 1960-1962 -- 13. "An enormous success": 1963 -- 14. "A very central figure in the civil rights movement": 1964-1965 -- 15. "The freedom budget for all Americans": 1966-1967 -- 16. "A fantastic vacuum": 1968-1969 -- 17. "More black than Cleaver": 1970-1975 -- 18. "These people, Mr. President, desperately need our help": 1976-1979 -- 19. "Instead of a march": 1980-1983 -- 20. "Bayard Rustin, oh, what a life!": 1984-1987.