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Book of queens : the true story of the Middle E...Mahdavi, Pardis, 1978- aut... Book of queens : the true story of the Middle E...Mahdavi, Pardis, 1978- aut... Calling InRoss, Loretta J Calling in : how to start making change with th...author. Ross, Loretta J., ... Cassandra speaks : when women are the storytell...Lesser, Elizabeth, author. Colorful : a treasure trove of inspiration, inf...Apfel, Iris, 1921-2024, au... Daughters of Latin America : an international a... Dear Ijeawele, or, A feminist manifesto in fift...Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi,... Dear sister : a memoir of secrets, survival, an...Horton, Michelle, author. Dear sister : a memoir of secrets, survival, an...Horton, Michelle, author. Down girl : the logic of misogynyManne, Kate, author. Eloquent rage : a black feminist discovers her ...Cooper, Brittney C., 1980-... Female founders' playbook : insights from the s...Boden, Anne (Banking entre... Femina : a new history of the Middle Ages, thro...Ramirez, Janina, 1980- aut... The feminism book Formidable : American women and the fight for e...Griffith, Elisabeth, autho... The genius of women : from overlooked to changi...Kaplan, Janice, author. Girl squads : 20 female friendships that change...Maggs, Sam, author. Grown Woman TalkMalone, Sharon Grown woman talk : your guide to getting and st...Malone, Sharon, 1959- auth... Headstrong : 52 women who changed science--and ...Swaby, Rachel, author. Hidden FiguresShetterly, Margot Lee Hidden figures : the American dream and the unt...Shetterly, Margot Lee, aut... I am Malala : the girl who stood up for educati...Yousafzai, Malala, 1997- a... In the company of women : inspiration and advic...Bonney, Grace, author. Julia Child's kitchen : the design, tools, stor...Johnson, Paula J., 1954- a... Lady justice : women, the law, and the battle t...Lithwick, Dahlia author. Lean in : women, work, and the will to leadSandberg, Sheryl. The light of days : the untold story of women r...Batalion, Judith, author. The light of days : the untold story of women r...Batalion, Judith, author. The missing thread : a women's history of the a...Dunn, Daisy, author. Mother TongueNuttall, Jenni Mother tongue : the surprising history of women...Nuttall, Jenni, 1975-2024 ... My moment : 106 women on fighting for themselves Parachute women : Marianne Faithfull, Marsha Hu...Winder, Elizabeth, author. The Paris girl : the young woman who outwitted ...White, Francelle Bradford,... Pleasure activism : the politics of feeling goodbrown, adrienne maree auth... The poetry of Arab women : a contemporary antho... The political thought of America's founding fem...Vetter, Lisa Pace, 1968- a... The radium girls : the dark story of America's ...Moore, Kate (Writer and ed... Adult Fiction Titles for Women's History Month The accidental suffragist : a novelGichon, Galia, author. After Sappho : a novelSchwartz, Selby Wynn, 1975... Anita de Monte Laughs LastGonzalez, Xochitl Anita de Monte Laughs LastGonzalez, Xochitl Anita de Monte laughs last : a novelGonzalez, Xochitl, 1977- a... Anita de Monte laughs last : a novelGonzalez, Xochitl, 1977- a... Anita de Monte laughs last : a novelGonzalez, Xochitl, 1977- a... Band of sisters : a novelWillig, Lauren, author. Band of sisters : a novelWillig, Lauren, author. Band of sisters : a novelWillig, Lauren, author. Carolina built : a novelAlexander, Kianna, author. Cherokee AmericaVerble, Margaret, author. Circe : a novelMiller, Madeline, author. Circling the sun : a novelMcLain, Paula, author. Everything is not enough : a novelAkinmade-Akerström, Lola,... Excavations : a novelMyers, Kate (Television de... Factory girls : a novelGallen, Michelle, 1975- au... Girl, woman, otherEvaristo, Bernardine, 1959... Great circleShipstead, Maggie, author. Half of a yellow sunAdichie, Chimamanda Ngozi,... The heiress : a novelHawkins, Rachel, 1979- aut... The helpStockett, Kathryn. In the country of othersSlimani, Leïla, 1981- aut... Kaikeyi : a novelPatel, Vaishnavi, author. The kitchen front : a novelRyan, Jennifer (Jennifer L... Lady in the LakeLippman, Laura Lady in the LakeLippman, Laura Lady in the lake : a novelLippman, Laura, 1959- auth... Lady in the lake : a novelLippman, Laura, 1959- auth... Lady in the lake : a novelLippman, Laura, 1959- auth... Lady Tan's Circle of WomenSee, Lisa Lady Tan's Circle of WomenSee, Lisa Lady Tan's circle of womenSee, Lisa, author. Lady Tan's circle of women : a novelSee, Lisa, author. Lady Tan's circle of women : a novelSee, Lisa, author. Let us descend : a novelWard, Jesmyn, author. Libertie : a novelGreenidge, Kaitlyn, author... MaameGeorge, Jessica, 1994- aut... The many daughters of Afong Moy : a novelFord, Jamie, author. No better time : a novel of the spirited women ...Williams, Sheila (Sheila J... Of women and saltGarcia, Gabriela, 1984- au... Of women and saltGarcia, Gabriela, 1984- au... Of women and saltGarcia, Gabriela, 1984- au... People of means : a novelJohnson, Nancy (Novelist),... The pull of the stars : a novelDonoghue, Emma, 1969- auth... Radar girlsAckerman, Sara, author. River sing me homeShearer, Eleanor, author. The rose code : a novelQuinn, Kate, author. Rules of civilityTowles, Amor, author. Saving Ruby KingWest, Catherine Adel, auth... Children's & Teen Titles for Women's History Month Amazing women : over 100 lives to inspire youWilson, Lara, author. Amelia Earhart : pioneer of the sky!Buckley, James, Jr., 1963-... Annie Sullivan and the trials of Helen KellerLambert, Joseph, 1984- aut... Archaeology : cool women who digYasuda, Anita, author. Astronomy : cool women in spaceYasuda, Anita, author. Aviation : cool women who flyVan Vleet, Carmella, autho... Bad girls of fashion : style rebels from Cleopa...Croll, Jennifer, author. Baseball's leading lady : Effa Manley and the r...Williams, Andrea, author. Becoming RBG : Ruth Bader Ginsburg's journey to...Levy, Debbie, author. Black ballerinas : my journey to our legacyCopeland, Misty, author. The book of queens : legendary leaders, fierce ...Drimmer, Stephanie Warren,... Born curious : 20 girls who grew up to be aweso...Freeman, Martha, 1956- aut... Born reading : 20 stories of women reading thei...Krull, Kathleen, author. Brave, black, first : 50+ African American wome...Hudson, Cheryl Willis, aut... Brilliant ideas from wonderful womenLopez, Aitziber, 1981- aut... Champions of change : 25 women who made historyWatkins, Naomi, author. Dancing hands : how Teresa Carreño played the ...Engle, Margarita, author. Engineering : cool women who designMay, Vicki V., author. Gamer girls : 25 women who built the video game...Kenney, Mary, author. The girl who rode a shark & other stories of da...Ross, Ailsa, author. Girls solve everything : stories of women entre...Thimmesh, Catherine, autho... Girls to the front : 40 Asian American women wh...Mata, Nina, 1981- author, ... Girls who run the world : 31 CEOs who mean busi...Kapp, Diana (Diana E.), au... Good night stories for rebel girls : 100 immigr...Favilli, Elena, author. Heroism begins with her : inspiring stories of ...Conkling, Winifred, author... Hidden figures : the true story of four black w...Shetterly, Margot Lee, aut... High flyers : 15 inspiring women aviators and a...Staats, Ann McCallum, 1965... Hurdles in the darkGonzalez, Elvira K., autho... I am Amelia EarhartMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Anne FrankMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Dolly PartonMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Harriet TubmanMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Helen KellerMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Jane GoodallMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Malala YousafzaiMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Marie CurieMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Sonia SotomayorMeltzer, Brad, author. I am Temple GrandinMeltzer, Brad, author. I look up to... Malala YousafzaiMembrino, Anna, author. I look up to... Ruth Bader GinsburgMembrino, Anna, author. I look up to... Serena WilliamsMembrino, Anna, author. J is for Judy : classic Hollywood's leading lad...Allman, John Robert, autho... Latinitas : celebrating 40 big dreamersMenéndez, Juliet, author,... Leading the way : women in powerHowell, Janet, 1944- autho... Legends of women's gymnasticsJoyce, Andrea, author. Like a girlDegman, Lori, author. Listen : how Evelyn Glennie, a deaf girl, chang...Stocker, Shannon, author. Little leaders : bold women in black historyHarrison, Vashti, author. Marine biology : cool women who diveGibson, Karen Bush, author... More girls who rocked the world : heroines from...McCann, Michelle Roehm, 19...