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Black fatigue : how racism erodes the mind, bod...Winters, Mary-Frances, aut... Black futures Black girl baking : wholesome recipes inspired ...Guy, Jerrelle, 1990- autho... The Black joy projectCruz, Kleaver, author. A black women's history of the United StatesBerry, Daina Ramey, author... Blackout : how Black America can make its secon...Owens, Candace, author. Born a crime : stories from a South African chi...Noah, Trevor, 1984- author... Carla Hall's soul food : everyday and celebrationHall, Carla, author. Caste : the origins of our discontentsWilkerson, Isabel, author. Citizen : an American lyricRankine, Claudia, 1963- au... The color of law : a forgotten history of how o...Rothstein, Richard, author... The color of law : a forgotten history of how o...Rothstein, Richard, author... The cooking gene : a journey through African Am...Twitty, Michael W., 1977- ... Don't let them bury my story : the oldest livin...Fletcher, Viola Ford, auth... Dreams from my father : a story of race and inh...Obama, Barack. Driving the Green BookHall, Alvin Driving the Green Book : a road trip through th...Hall, Alvin, 1952- author. Farming while Black : Soul Fire Farm's practica...Penniman, Leah, author. Finna : poemsMarshall, Nate (Poet), aut... The Fire Next TimeBaldwin, James The fire this time : a new generation speaks ab... Four hundred souls : a community history of Afr... Glory : magical visions of black beautyBethencourt, Kahran, autho... His truth is marching on : John Lewis and the p...Meacham, Jon, author. I know why the caged bird singsAngelou, Maya, author. The immortal life of Henrietta LacksSkloot, Rebecca, 1972- aut... Incidents in the life of a slave girl : written...Jacobs, Harriet A. (Harrie... The JazzmenTye, Larry The jazzmen : how Duke Ellington, Louis Armstro...Tye, Larry, author. John Lewis : a lifeGreenberg, David, 1968- au... John Lewis : good trouble Jubilee : recipes from two centuries of African...Tipton-Martin, Toni, autho... Just mercy : a story of justice and redemptionStevenson, Bryan, author. Just us : an American conversationRankine, Claudia, 1963- au... The King years : historic moments in the civil ...Branch, Taylor. Light for the world to seeAlexander, Kwame, author. Long time coming : reckoning with race in AmericaDyson, Michael Eric, autho... Love & WhiskeyWeaver Fawn Love & whiskey : the remarkable true story of J...Weaver, Fawn, 1976- author... Madness : race and insanity in a Jim Crow asylumHylton, Antonia, author. Madness : race and insanity in a Jim Crow asylumHylton, Antonia, author. Madness : race and insanity in a Jim Crow asylumHylton, Antonia, author. Adult Fiction Titles for Black History Month Acts of ForgivenessCheeks, Maura Acts of forgiveness : a novelCheeks, Maura, author. The American daughters : a novelRuffin, Maurice Carlos, au... Black Bottom saints : a novelRandall, Alice, 1959- auth... The book of negroesHill, Lawrence, 1957- auth... The color purpleWalker, Alice, 1944- autho... Conjure women : a novelAtakora, Afia, author. Conjure women : a novelAtakora, Afia, author. Daughter of a Daughter of a QueenBird, Sarah Daughter of a daughter of a queenBird, Sarah, author. Every man a kingMosley, Walter, author. Girl, woman, otherEvaristo, Bernardine, 1959... Go tell it on the mountainBaldwin, James, 1924-1987,... Good DirtWilkerson, Charmaine Good DirtWilkerson, Charmaine Good dirt : a novelWilkerson, Charmaine, auth... Good dirt : a novelWilkerson, Charmaine, auth... The good lord birdMcBride, James, 1957- auth... Great expectations : a novelCunningham, Vinson, author... Harlem rhapsodyMurray, Victoria Christoph... Harlem RhapsodyMurray, Victoria Christoph... Harlem RhapsodyMurray, Victoria Christoph... Harlem RhapsodyMurray, Victoria Christoph... If Beale Street could talk : a novelBaldwin, James, 1924-1987,... In the Upper CountryThomas, Kai, author. Invisible manEllison, Ralph, author. JubileeWalker, Margaret, 1915-199... Junie : a novelEckstine, Erin Crosby, aut... Lazaretto : a novelMcKinney-Whetstone, Diane,... A lesson before dyingGaines, Ernest J., 1933- a... Libertie : a novelGreenidge, Kaitlyn, author... The life of Herod the Great : a novelHurston, Zora Neale, autho... The life of Herod the Great : a novelHurston, Zora Neale, autho... The man who lived underground : a novelWright, Richard, 1908-1960... The Nickel boys : a novelWhitehead, Colson, 1969- a... The Nickel boys : a novelWhitehead, Colson, 1969- a... The Nickel boys : a novelWhitehead, Colson, 1969- a... The other Black girl : a novelHarris, Zakiya Dalila, aut... Parable of the sowerButler, Octavia E., author... Parasol against the axeOyeyemi, Helen, author. PassingLarsen, Nella, author. The ReformatoryDue, Tananarive The ReformatoryDue, Tananarive The reformatory : a novelDue, Tananarive, 1966- aut... River sing me homeShearer, Eleanor, author. She would be king : a novelMoore, Wayétu, author. Sing, Unburied, SingWard, Jesmyn Sing, unburied, sing : a novelWard, Jesmyn, author. Sky full of elephantsCampbell, Cebo, author. Sky Full of ElephantsCampbell, Cebo Children's & Teen Titles for Black History Month An American storyAlexander, Kwame, author. Angel of GreenwoodPink, Randi, author. Bea breaks barriers! : how Florence Beatrice Pr...DeLems, Caitlin, author. Because of you, John Lewis : the true story of ...Pinkney, Andrea Davis, aut... Before the ShipsOso, Maisha Before the ShipsOso, Maisha Before the ships : the birth of Black excellenceOso, Maisha, author. Black birds in the sky : the story and legacy o...Colbert, Brandy, author. Black girl, Black girl : celebrate the power of...Kamanda, Ali, author. Black girl power : 15 stories celebrating Black... The Black Girl Survives in This One The Black Girl Survives in This One Born on the waterHannah-Jones, Nikole, auth... BoundlessLowe, Chaunte, 1984- autho... Bread for words : a Frederick Douglass storyKeller, Shana, 1977- autho... Bridges instead of walls : the story of Mavis S...Staples, Mavis, author. By and by : Charles Albert Tindley, the father ...Weatherford, Carole Boston... Cicely TysonWatson, Renée, author. Claudette Colvin : I want freedom now!Colvin, Claudette, 1939- a... Coretta's journey : the life and times of Coret...Duncan, Alice Faye, author... A crown of stories : the life and language of b...Weatherford, Carole Boston... Crowning glory : a celebration of Black hairWeatherford, Carole Boston... Extraordinary magic : the storytelling life of ...Crews, Nina, author. Freedom on the sea : the true story of the Civi...Moore, Michael Boulware, a... Harriet TubmanPinkney, Andrea Davis, aut... Hey you! : an empowering celebration of growin...Adeola, Dapo, author, illu... The highest tribute : Thurgood Marshall's life,...Magoon, Kekla, author. I affirm me : the ABCs of inspiration for Black...Williams, Nyasha, author. John LewisPatrick, Denise Lewis, aut... Ketanji : Justice Jackson's journey to the U.S....Magoon, Kekla, author. A long time coming : a lyrical biography of rac...Shepard, Ray Anthony, auth... Mae makes a way : the true story of Mae Reeves,...Rhuday-Perkovich, Olugbemi... Making our way home : the Great Migration and t...Imani, Blair, author. Marian AndersonRussell-Brown, Katheryn, 1... Mary's ideaRaschka, Christopher, auth... My block looks likeHarper, Janelle, author. My daddy is a cowboySeales, Stephanie, author. My hair is a bookOso, Maisha, author. Northbound : a train ride out of segregationBandy, Michael S., author. Opening the road : Victor Hugo Green and his Gr...Dawson, Keila V., author. Overground railroadCline-Ransome, Lesa, autho... Overground railroad : the Green Book and the ro...Taylor, Candacy A., author... PoemhoodByas, Taylor Poemhood, our black revival : history, folklore... R-E-S-P-E-C-T : Aretha Franklin, the queen of s...Weatherford, Carole Boston... A ride to remember : a civil rights storyLangley, Sharon, 1963- aut... Ruby BridgesMagoon, Kekla, author. Saturdays at Harlem GrownHillery, Tony Saturdays at Harlem Grown : how one big idea tr...Hillery, Tony, author. Saving the day : Garrett Morgan's life-changing...Parsons, Karyn, 1968- auth...